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(2019). portalr: an R package for summarizing and using the Portal Project Data. Journal of Open Source Software.

(2019). PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Vegetation Phenology from Digital Camera Imagery, 2000-2018. ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center.


(2019). PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Digital Camera Imagery from the PhenoCam Network, 2000-2018. ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center.


(2019). Established rodent community delays recovery of dominant competitor following experimental disturbance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

(2019). Developing an automated iterative near-term forecasting system for an ecological study. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

(2019). Developing a modern data workflow for regularly updated data. PLoS biology.

(2019). Datastorr: a workflow and package for delivering successive versions of'evolving data'directly into R. GigaScience.

(2018). Developing a modern data workflow for living data. bioRxiv.


(2018). The Portal Project: a long-term study of a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem. bioRxiv.


(2018). The Portal Project: a long-term study of a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem. BioRxiv.

(2018). Long-term community change through multiple rapid transitions in a desert rodent community. Ecology.


(2018). Experimental removal of community-dominant kangaroo rats affects rodent ectoparasites. 2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5–10).

(2018). Developing an automated iterative near-term forecasting system for an ecological study. bioRxiv.


(2018). Developing a modern data workflow for evolving data. BioRxiv.

(2017). Repeated regime shifts in a desert rodent community. bioRxiv.

(2017). Do persistent rare species experience stronger negative frequency dependence than common species?. Global Ecology and Biogeography.


(2017). Do persistent rare species experience stronger negative frequency dependence than common species?. Global ecology and biogeography.

(2017). Community-level regulation of temporal trends in biodiversity. Science advances.


(2016). Long-term monitoring and experimental manipulation of a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem near Portal, Arizona (1977--2013). Ecology.

(2016). Long-term monitoring and experimental manipulation of a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem near Portal, Arizona (1977--2013). Ecology.

(2015). A process-independent explanation for the general form of Taylor’s Law. The American Naturalist.

(2014). Assemblage time series reveal biodiversity change but not systematic loss. Science.

(2013). The EcoData retriever: improving access to existing ecological data. PloS one.

(2013). Niche opportunities and invasion dynamics in a desert annual community. Ecology letters.

(2013). Big data and the future of ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

(2012). Strong self-limitation promotes the persistence of rare species. Ecology.

(2011). Long-term vegetation trends on grazed and ungrazed Chihuahuan desert rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management.

(2010). OOS 29-4: Why long-term data is important for understanding community responses to perturbations: A Chihuahuan Desert example. The 95th ESA Annual Meeting.

(2010). Long-term insights into the influence of precipitation on community dynamics in desert rodents. Journal of Mammalogy.


(2010). Integrating spatial and temporal approaches to understanding species richness. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

(2009). The relative importance of stabilizing mechanisms of coexistence. Nature Precedings.

(2009). Taking species abundance distributions beyond individuals. Ecology Letters.

(2008). Zero sum, the niche, and metacommunities: long-term dynamics of community assembly. The American Naturalist.

(2008). Impact of an extreme climatic event on community assembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

(2008). Chihuahuan Desert kangaroo rats: nonlinear effects of population dynamics, competition, and rainfall. Ecology.

(2007). Species abundance distributions: moving beyond single prediction theories to integration within an ecological framework. Ecology letters.

(2007). Spatiotemporal scaling of species richness: patterns, processes, and implications. Scaling biodiversity (eds D. Storch, PA Marquet & JH Brown).

(2007). Reduced rodent biodiversity destabilizes plant populations. Ecology.

(2007). Ecological and evolutionary insights from species invasions. Trends in ecology & evolution.

(2007). Compensatory dynamics are rare in natural ecological communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

(2006). Positive and negative effects of exotic Erodium cicutarium on an arid ecosystem. Biological Conservation.

(2006). Intra-guild compensation regulates species richness in desert rodents: reply. Ecology.

(2006). A comparison of the species--time relationship across ecosystems and taxonomic groups. Oikos.

(2005). Seasonal changes in spatial patterns of two annual plants in the Chihuahuan Desert, USA. Plant Ecology.

(2005). Intra-guild compensation regulates species richness in desert rodents. Ecology.

(2005). Evidence for a general species--time--area relationship. Ecology.

(2004). Trade-offs in community properties through time in a desert rodent community. The American Naturalist.

(2004). Temporal dynamics in the structure and composition of a desert rodent community. Ecology.

(2003). Thermodynamic and metabolic effects on the scaling of production and population energy use. Ecology Letters.

(2002). Timescale of perennial grass recovery in desertified arid grasslands following livestock removal. Conservation Biology.

(2002). Long-term dynamics of winter and summer annual communities in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Vegetation Science.

(2002). Effects of regional pool size on local diversity in small-scale annual plant communities. Ecology Letters.

(2001). The effect of topography on the foraging costs of heteromyid rodents. Journal of arid environments.

(2001). Regulation of diversity: maintenance of species richness in changing environments. Oecologia.

(2001). Mesquite establishment in arid grasslands: an experimental investigation of the role of kangaroo rats. Journal of Arid Environments.

(2001). Delayed compensation for missing keystone species by colonization. Science.

(2001). Complex species interactions and the dynamics of ecological systems: long-term experiments. Science.

(2000). Species as units of analysis in ecology and biogeography: are the blind leading the blind?. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

(2000). On the role of small mammals in mediating climatically driven vegetation change. Ecology Letters.

(2000). Density-dependent invariance, dimensionlesslife-histories and the energy-equivalence rule. Evolutionary Ecology Research.

(2000). Constraints of seed size on plant distribution and abundance. Ecology.

(2000). Assembly rules: desert rodent communities are structured at scales from local to continental. The American Naturalist.

(2000). Abundance and distribution of desert annuals: are spatial and temporal patterns related?. Journal of Ecology.

(1999). Patterns in the structure of Asian and North American desert small mammal communities. Journal of Biogeography.

(1998). Using constraint lines to characterize plant performance. Oikos.

(1998). The desert granivory experiments at Portal. Experimental ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

(1998). Plant-soil interactions in deserts. Biogeochemistry.

(1997). Rodents, plants, and precipitation: spatial and temporal dynamics. Resource.

(1997). Reorganization of an arid ecosystem in response to recent climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

(1997). Path analysis: a critical evaluation using long-term experimental data. The American Naturalist.

(1996). Desert rodents: Long-term responses to natural changes and experimental manipulations. Long-term studies of vertebrate communities.

(1996). Community structure of desert small mammals: comparisons across four continents. Ecology.

(1996). Biodiversity on the borderlands.. Natural History.

(1995). The effects of vertebrate granivores and folivores on plant community structure in the Chihuahuan Desert. Oikos.

(1995). Catastrophic decline of a desert rodent, Dipodomys spectabilis: insights from a long-term study. Journal of Mammalogy.

(1994). Interactions between rodents and ants in the Chihuahuan Desert: an update. Ecology.

(1994). Comparisons of community structure among small mammals of North-American and Australian deserts. Australian Journal of Zoology.

(1994). Comparison of niche-packing and community organization in desert rodents in Asia and North-America. Australian Journal of Zoology.

(1990). Temporal changes in a Chihuahuan Desert rodent community. Oikos.

(1990). Control of a desert-grassland transition by a keystone rodent guild. Science.

(1989). Macroecology: the division of food and space among species on continents. Science.

(1988). Comparative structure of harvester ant communities in arid Australia and North America. Ecological Monographs.

(1987). Granivory: patterns, processes, and consequences of seed consumption on two continents. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural.

(1987). Composition of desert rodent faunas: combinations of coexisting species. Annales Zoologici Fennici.

(1987). A method for distinguishing dispersal from death in mark-recapture studies. Journal of Mammalogy.

(1979). Granivory in desert ecosystems. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.


(1979). An experimental study of competition between seed-eating desert rodents and ants. American Zoologist.


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